The Daisy Bouquet

  • The Daisy Bouquet
  • The Daisy Bouquet
  • The Daisy Bouquet
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The Daisy Bouquet

Tones of pretty pinks, whites and touch of greens.

A thoughtful florist choice of fresh flowers - perfect to fill their favourite vase!

Florist choice - our florists will create a beautiful mixed choice bouquet of fresh flowers to compliment the stated colour scheme.


*Please use photos as a guide only stems and wrapping may vary to those shown.

Size design will vary depending on price chosen. 

*Please use photos as a guide only, our florists will create your design using the freshest florals available on the day from our fresh flower stand. Flower stems may vary to those shown.

(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).

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